Friday, September 4, 2009

Busy Times

Okay, sorry it has been so long since I updated the blog. Things have been busy busy. Jacob is getting bigger and bigger and doing all sorts of new things. He mastered rolling both directions a while ago, but now, that is his form of mobility. We will put him on the floor and before we know it, he is on the other side of the room just by rolling. It is so funny to watch. He is getting so much fun. He just laughs and laughs these days (when he isn't sick). Jacob has been a pretty easy baby. He started sleeping through the night at around 8 weeks (around 8 hours). Well, now he is up to about 12 hours of sleep a night. We couldn't ask for a better baby!
Last week Jacob starting getting sick. He started coughing a lot and was really congested. We called the doctor and she called in medicine...however, he hasn't gotten much better. So, Mom took Jacob to the doctor yesterday and she said that everything looked good (I was worried about ears) and that she just thought he had a viral infection. So, she gave us more medicine and hopefully he will get well. He has been pretty fussy this past week with his sickness. Mommy and Daddy are ready to get our happy Jacob back!
The pictures above are Jacob's 4 month pictures. Jeff took them and did a FABULOUS job! Check out them all at
When you go into the website, click on Online Ordering and then you can find Jacob's name from there.
Sam has recorded some cute videos of Jacob lately. I will try to post them soon with some more pictures!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jacob Loves The Ladies

Jacob has already started trying to hit on women! My friend, Danielle, and I have already decided that her little girl, Whitley, and Jacob are going to get married. Whitely is a couple of months older than Jacob, but Jacob takes after his Papa...and likes older women! hehe!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More Jacob!

Daddy and Jacob having fun time together!

Jacob plays well on his own!

He's always laughing! He laughed first with his Nana....

Jacob wondering what the heck Mommy and Daddy are doing!

Jacob laughing with his Daddy!
Jacob is growing, growing, growing. He is rolling over now and is starting to really like tummy time. He laughs all the time and is sleeping through the night...thank goodness! We couldn't ask for a more precious child.

"The love of a family is life's greatest blessing"

"Family faces are magic mirrors looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. "
Sam and I have the most incredible family in the world. Everyone loves Jacob to pieces and Jacob LOVES his family!

Jacob, Jacob, Jacob

To get everyone up to date. Jacob is now 11 weeks old. He is laughing all the time and rolling over! At the 6 weeks checkup, Jacob weighed 11lbs and 8 ozs and was 13 inches long. I think is a little over 13 lbs now. He is growing boy! Sam and I love him more than we could have ever imagined. I have gone back to work and Jacob is staying with my mom, Nana, during the day now. Nana is LOVING spending time with Jacob. They spend lots of time outside on the swing during the day because Jacob LOVES swinging. He is just like his daddy and always wants to be outdoors.

Welcome Jacob Goldman Porter

Now that I have posted pregnancy pictures...or at least a couple. Here are some pictures of our precious baby...Jacob. He was born on March 29, 2009 at 11:19pm. My water broke Sunday morning when I was getting ready for church (on his due date) and Sam and I headed to Jackson to the hospital and got there around 11:15 Sunday morning. Mom, Dad, Heather, Matt, Fred, Debra, and Grandmama all left church and immediately headed to Jackson! They were all so excited. My sweet friend, Erin Vowell, also came over to attend the festivity. I loved them all being there and we just hung out...the girls in the room with me and the guys in the waiting room watching basketball (the waiting food had a larger TV...typical men!) Jacob was born almost exactly 12 hours later. He is a precious little miracle! He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20 inches long.

Vicksburg Baby Shower

These are some pictures from a baby shower some of my sweet friends threw me. I was about 7 months pregnant here. We had a lot of fun and I got LOTS of good things for Jacob! I have the best friends in the world!